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FRIPON Data release

Data release date: 2023-01-01

From 2021 onwards the FRIPON consortium will deliver on a yearly basis a catalogue listing the physical and orbital properties of the fireballs observed by the network.
For this first release (FRIPON DR1), we have chosen to deliver only highly reliable data, namely from events that were observed by at least 6 cameras. This represents >500 events out of 5000 detections.
The data can be downloaded in various formats (XLSX, CSV or PDF).
It is possible to select the events with all the output data of the calculation pipeline (initial mass, speed, etc...) with a criterion for each.
For example, Count >10 will provide all events seen by at least 10 cameras and Eccentricity 0<>0.1 will provide all events with an eccentricity in the [0-0.1] range.
Extend "how to use this table" to know more about filtering possibilities.

Specifically, the catalogue provides :
• The orbital parameters and the error on their determination
• Initial and final sizes
• Initial and final masses
• Errors on sizes and masses
• Enthalpy (energy of dislocation)
• Ve, A, B: pre-atmospheric speed , drag and ablation parameters (Jeanne et al, 2019)
• Gamma, Alpha, Beta : drag and ablation parameters (Gritsevich et al, 2006)
• Initial and final altitude
• Initial and final speed
• Initial and final position (Longitude, Latitude)
• Radiant
• Length
• Duration

From 2022 onwards, the release will also provide:
• Photometric data
• Data from events seen with less than 6 cameras

You can use one of the following math operators before typing a float number as search, per column.
= (equal) < (lower) <= (lower or equal) > (greater) >= (greater or equal) != (not equal)
Math search accepts both exponent as well as non exponent notations. Use optional + (default) or - followed by e
Interval work by typing <> (between) or <!> (not between) in the middle of two float numbers.
You can search ony empty values by typing null or ! null (not null).
Examples of valid math search:
-1<!>2     !=0     >=1.25e-19     1.25E+21<>1.25e19

Default search use contain operators, for all other search operation including text search.

FRIPON data are free of use for education or non commercial purpose only

The copyright must be ©FRIPON (

FRIPON is an international consortium, each national network must be cited for the use of data including local stations (images, detections…)

• Begium : ©FRIPON-Belgium
• Canada : ©DOME
• France  : ©FRIPON-VigieCiel
• Germany : ©FRIPON-Germany
• Italy  : ©PRISMA
• Netherlands  : ©FRIPON-Netherlands
• Romania  : ©MOROI
• Spain  : ©SPMN
• Switzerland  : ©FRIPON-Switzerland
• UK  : ©SCAMP

Papers to reference:

Colas, F. et al, 2020, FRIPON: a worldwide network to track incoming meteoroids. Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 644
Jeanne, S 2020, Méthode d’analyse statistique appliquée au réseau d’observation européen des météores FRIPON. PhD thesis
Jeanne, S. et al, 2019 Calibration of fish-eye lens and error estimation on fireball trajectories: application to the FRIPON network. Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 627

id Multi-event Count Status Head echo Tail echo Eccentricity Inclination Longitude Argument Anomaly Epoch Semi-axis Tisserand J Perifocal sigma Eccentricity sigma Inclination sigma Longitude sigma Arguments igma Anomaly sigma Epoch sigma Semi-axis sigma Initial size Initial size sigma Initial mass Initial mass sigma Final size Final size sigma Final mass Final mass sigma Enthalpy Enthalpy sigma VE A B VE expected A expected B expected Gamma Alpha Beta VE sigma A sigma B sigma Initial Altitude Final Altitude Radian RA Radian Dec Radian Sigma Lenght Duration Initial Latitude Initial Longitude Final Latitude Final Longitude Perifocal Final Velocity Validation
id Multi-event Count Status Head echo Tail echo Eccentricity Inclination Longitude Argument Anomaly Epoch Semi-axis Tisserand J Perifocal sigma Eccentricity sigma Inclination sigma Longitude sigma Arguments igma Anomaly sigma Epoch sigma Semi-axis sigma Initial size Initial size sigma Initial mass Initial mass sigma Final size Final size sigma Final mass Final mass sigma Enthalpy Enthalpy sigma VE A B VE expected A expected B expected Gamma Alpha Beta VE sigma A sigma B sigma Initial Altitude Final Altitude Radian RA Radian Dec Radian Sigma Lenght Duration Initial Latitude Initial Longitude Final Latitude Final Longitude Perifocal Final Velocity Validation

Copyright © 2023 All rights reserved. Data collected, processed and displayed by FRIPON Team with the support of the OSU Pythéas IT service. Please contact FRIPON Team for any use.